Thank you for booking classes or events you plan to attend. Please take note of the guidelines, behavior expectations, and potential consequences listed below.
Athletes will arrive prior to their class with enough time to change into appropriate training attire, use the restroom, etc. All athletes are expected to ensure that their attire is clean and washed in unscented detergent since their last training session, their nails trimmed for safety, hands/feet clean and without nail treatments that may mark the mat, and have no perfume or distracting odors present before joining a class.
Parents of youth athletes are expected to ensure minor members follow the above guidelines, and agree to allow coaching to be conducted by instructors or those designated as assistant instructors only. Please ask questions before or after training sessions, or during a water break if an instructor is free and available.
All athletes, family members, and visitors are required to comport themselves respectfully while inside or outside the academy. This includes interactions with patrons, employees, and owners of other local businesses as well as respecting all guidance and policies for parking.
ALL athletes, families, and visitors are expected to conduct themselves in alignment with this agreement both at the academy, during visits to other facilities for training or seminars, and while attending any competition or event associated with the grappling community.
Failure to follow this agreement may result in losing training or spectating privileges until a follow up conversation with the head instructor to clarifying expectations has been completed, a membership pause, or even membership cancellation and/or the revocation of access privileges to HBJJ and events.
Thank you for taking the time to read these terms. Please contact us with any questions you may have using the contact details below.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email and have great rest of your day!
The HBJJ Leadership Team
Text/Call: (860) 501-9040
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